Programm 2023-2024
Seminare werden auf Deutsch, Französisch oder Englisch gehalten.
Die Sprache der Beschreibung entspricht der Sprache des Seminars. Daten, die noch nicht genau angegeben sind, werden zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt festgelegt.
Videos vergangener Seminare Seminare und Videos
13.06.2023 12:00 Uhr
2023 Kahramanmaras Earthquakes
The SGEB seminar on the 2023 Kahramanamaras earthquakes will present the observations of the ETHZ reconnaissance team members Dr. Nikola Blagojevic and Safak Arslantürkoglu, and of Prof. Ufuk Yazgan from ITU that visited the affected region in February and March 2023. Important aspects of building’s seismic performance that should be considered in more detail, as revealed by these earthquakes will be highlighted. A brief overview of the earthquake sequence will be presented, followed by an evolution of the Turkish building codes, the observations regarding the damage of Masonry and RC buildings, infrastructure damage and on-going recovery efforts. Apart from damage and recovery observations, main takeaways from the observed buildings' performance will be presented as well as how such performance could be improved in future earthquake engineering practice.
Dr. Nikola Blagojevic
Post-doctoral researcher at the Chair of Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering at ETH Zurich. His research interests include regional seismic risk and resilience assessment and post-earthquake recovery modelling of the building stock and interdependent infrastructure systems.
Safak Arslantürkoglu
PhD student at the Chair of Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. His research interests include the seismic evaluation and upgrade of existing structures, with an emphasis on risk perception and risk mitigation. In this area, he focuses on methods to quantify potential risk and its mitigation in countries subjected to low to moderate seismicity.
Prof. Dr. Ufuk Yazgan
Associate Professor of Earthquake/Structural Engineering at Istanbul Technical Universities (ITU) Earthquake Engineering and Disaster Management Institute. His research interests cover probabilistic methods in earthquake engineering, simulation of nonlinear response of RC structures, seismic fragility assessment, reliability analysis and structural dynamics
06.09.2023 12h00
Nonlinear modeling and seismic risk assessment of composite steel moment resisting frames. | SGEB Prix Master EPFL 2022
Nathan Kempter
Nathan Kempter graduated from EPFL in 2022 and was awarded the SGEB prize for his Master's thesis, written under supervision of Prof. Lignos at the RESSLab.
The presentation will focus on the computational modelling of composite steel MRFs. A macro-element for simulating the nonlinear cyclic behavior of beam-slab connection which was developed and experimentally validated during the thesis. Furthermore, the benchmarking of the seismic risk of buildings in Sion with the procedure developed in the thesis will be presented.
23.11.2023 12h00
Erdbebensicherheit von Gebäuden - Rechts- und Haftungsfragen
Thomas Siegenthaler, Dr. iur., M.Jur.
Fachanwalt SAV Bau- und Immobilienrecht, Lehrbeauftragter für Bauvertragsrecht an der Universität Freiburg und unter anderem Mitglied der Fachkommission Fachanwalt SAV Bau- und Immobilienrecht.
Dr. Th. Siegenthaler war an der Erstellung des Merkblattes der Stiftung für Baudynamik und Erdbebeningenieurwesen beteiligt und wird in seinem Vortrag auf die häufigsten Rechts- und Haftungsfragen eingehen, die im Zusammenhang mit der Erdbebensicherheit von Gebäuden gestellt werden.
18.01.2024 12h00
Masterpreis EPFL ETHZ
Joëlle Luu
Masterpreisträgerin EPFL: Finite element investigation of the Slotted-Hidden-Gap Connection for square HSS bracing members under cyclic loading
The Slotted-Hidden-Gap (SHG) connection improves upon traditional welded tube-to-gusset connections in Concentrically Braced Frames (CBFs) by enhancing performance without requiring additional reinforcement. While previous studies have demonstrated the efficiency of the SHG connection under monotonic tensile loading conditions, this research focuses on its compressive behavior when subjected to cyclic loading conditions through a numerical parametric study. The findings suggest that a permitted hinge zone in the SHG connection, designed according to the CSA S16-19 methodology, is crucial for preventing fracture initiation during cyclic loading conditions, emphasizing the importance of considering various parameters in design practice.
Alexandre Milliet
Masterpreisträger ETHZ: Investigations of collapse resistance in tall timber buildings
A building's collapse occurs mostly accidentally, meaning that the structure is subjected to unexpected loads or to a deviation from the design state. Emphasizing the structural robustness, allows the building to be more resilient to such events. For this purpose, a numerical framework to model the response of timber structures to exceptional load cases has been developed in Python. The model is defined in a fully parametric manner and the calculation is performed dynamically with specific features related to building collapse.
Die Untersuchungen und die wichtigsten Resultate der ausgezeichneten Arbeiten werden präsentiert.
14.03.2024 12h00
Vibrationen in Labor- und Industriegebäuden – Wie wir diese kontrollieren?
Pascal Fleischer
Baudynamiker (dipl. Bau-Ing. MSc/ETH/HTL/SIA), Trombik Ingenieure AG (Inhaber und GL)
Erhöhte Schwingungsanforderungen an Maschinenstandorte sind im Allgemeinen massgebend für die Hauptabmessungen der Tragstruktur. Im Rahmen dieses Seminars wird Pascal Fleischer in einem ersten Teil diesen Sachverhalt in Bezug zu Laborbauten aber auch zu klassischen Industriebetrieben präsentieren und dabei auf Anforderungsstufen, Quellen sowie baudynamische Auslegungen / Massnahmen eingehen.
Im zweiten Teil werden unter anderem messtechnische Aspekte und Besonderheiten bei der Datenauswertungen im Rahmen von Standortbeurteilungen, resp. Abnahmemessungen diskutiert.
Link zur Teilnahme:
17.05.2024 12h00
Introduction to soil-structure interaction
Prof. Dr. Ioannis Anastasopoulos
Head of the Chair of Geotechnical Engineering, IGT, D-BAUG ETHZ
Do we need to consider soil-structure interaction in earthquake assessment and design of new structures and the retrofit of existing ones, and how can we do this? In this webinar, Professor Anastasopoulos will give an introduction to soil-structure interaction and its practical application in engineering projects.
Link zur Teilnahme: